хватит позориться!
Нотариус французской республики ничем не отличается от нотариуса любой другой республики - той же Российской Федерации.
Нотариус в целом действует как свидетель от лица государства, за мзду граждан и уплату ими госпошлин осуществляя:
- заверение подписей;
- заверение содержания документов (например, протоколов собрания и голосования сособственников);
- хранение депозитов граждан (например, для винкуляции при купле-продаже недвижимости);
- рекомендации и разъяснения гражданам закона;
- исполнение воли граждан (например, завещаний)...
"Definition and status of the French Notaire
During the debates around the "Act of the 25th of vent#244; se year XI on the organization of the French Notariat", the Royal Counselor defined the Notariat in the following terms: "Alongside officials who reconcile and judge disputes, the tranquility calls other officials who, as disinterested counselor of the parties and as impartial editors of their will, inform them of the full extent of the obligations they contract, writing down these commitments with clarity, giving them the character of an authentic act and the force of a judgment as a last resort, perpetuating their memories and maintaining their deposit with fidelity, prevent disputes arising between men of good faith and abduct greedy men with the hope of success the desire to raise an unfair challenge. These disinterested advices, these impartial editors, this type of voluntary judges which irrevocably oblige the contracting parties are the Notaries. This institution is the Notariat."
Status of the French Notaire
This status is still governed by the Order of the 2nd of November 1945 relating to the status of the Notariat and the Decree adopted for its application of the 19th of December 1945 with the all the amendments that have been made. Article 1 establishes that "French Notaires are public officers established to receive the acts and contracts to which the parties must or wish to give the authenticity attached to acts of the public authority, and to ensure the date, ensure their conservation, deliver grosses* and exp#233; ditions**."